Saving Money

Hey guys! 

Since having baby number two, I have had to become more thrifty. I have joined a bunch of different money saving sites, I buy second hand clothes and I use coupons whenever I can. This has helped a great deal. Some other great things I have learned is joining great groups like Influenster, Bzzagent, Neilson Homescan, and others. With #influenster I get opportunities to try new products. All I have to do is try them and give my honest opinion of the product. It’s fantastic. Right now I am trying Laneige Water Sleeping Mask. I get a full size product and a month to try it out. 

I am #lovingLaneige! The product does exactly what they say it will, it feels great, is easy to use and smells fantastic. @influenster @laneigeca, Thank you so much for sending me this great product! I love it!, now, I will save up the pre-paid Visa cards I earn on other sites and buy the rest of the line. 

You can find the Laneige line at Sephora stores and on line! You need to go out and try this! 


Life is Differnt with Two

After 6 months, you would think that being the mother of two children would be like second nature to me, yet I struggle with balancing time spent with my son and taking proper care of my daughter. 

You see, Angus was an only child for 8 years. When he asked us for a sibling, we had to tell him that there would not be another child in our house. The fertility Doctors told us that we could get pregnant, we just needed their help to get there. So, here we are 8+ years after Angus, and now we have a beautiful little girl added to our family. 

Piper was the surprise of a lifetime. You can imagine how we could think children were not possible without help. We had never used birth control, we did not need it, right? 

I will never forget where I was when I realized I might be pregnant. I was in bed and it was a few hours after my husband had said to me “If I didn’t know better, I would swear you are pregnant.” 

To which, I replied, “You don’t know what you are talking about”. Then later, while lying in bed, I thought, “Oh God, could I be pregnant?”

The next morning I went out and purchased a home pregnancy test, a good cheap one! I took the test and instead of having to wait two minutes, it was positive right away. I called the Doctor ‘s office and told them I had to get in right away.  Then I had to go to work. I told no one, because I hadn’t even told Dan yet. That night, I came in the door, tired and emotional. I walked up the stairs and saw Dan in the kitchen. As soon as i saw him, I started to cry. (Yes, I am a cryer). 

Dan looked at me and said “What’s wrong?”

I tried to breathe, and I said, “I am pregnant.” Those three words that 8 years ago had given us so much joy and excitement, now filled me with worry and uncertainty . I was 43 years old, the chances of serious, life threatening birth defects was much higher due to my age. Dan stayed home from work so he could go to the appointment with me the next day. 

 The Doctor confirmed the pregnancy and did the first pre-natal exam. After measuring and feeling my belly, he placed the stethoscope on my belly and pronounced a healthy heart rate of 140 bpm, which meant that I was about 4 months along. I know, how do you get to be 4 months pregnant and not know it? At that time, I had been going through a lot of stuff. My Dad was extremely ill and we spent most of our time, not at work, driving back and forth to Toronto. I could explain every symptom I had. Those symptoms were heart burn and weight gain. My clothes were getting tighter, but, I am a stress eater, stress also gives me heartburn.
That afternoon we had a dating ultrasound, and the tech confirmed 16 weeks and 4 days. WOW! It was real, we saw and heard her little heart beating.

Now that tiny little girl is almost 7 months old. She is a wonder, crawling and pulling up on things. Her big brother is proud as punch and he will tell anyone and everyone that Piper is his little sister. He helps out with her by entertaining, playing with her and keeping her company in the back seat of the car. 

Piper is one lucky little girl, she has a big brother that she adores. Her little face lights up when she sees him. 

Don’t  get me wrong, we have problems. Angus makes a lot of noise and wakes her from naps, he complains about the noise she makes when she is unhappy and the green eyed monster rears his ugly head from time to time. Dan spends lots of time with Angus, but it is not the same. Angus understands that Piper needs more supervision than he does, but he still has the right to feel ripped off. We just do our best to get him involved and hopefully the bigger Piper gets, the easier it will be to spend more time with Angus. 

I can can only imagine what parents of three children go through. Having two is hard enough. We are done though, things have been taken care of, thanks to my husband stepping up and getting the job done.


Raising Angus~ Story Time

I know that reading to your child at an early age can help them develop the skills to help them learn to read themselves. So we started reading to Angus really young, we continue to do so now. Each evening Dan and I take turns reading bedtime stories to Angus.

Lately I have been trying to get Angus to be more interested in chapter books. Angus’ Aunt Lori and Uncle Jim, got him a chapter book called Roddy Doyle. It is stories about these little creatures who buy poop from dogs, and then make adults step in it to punish them for being mean to children. I think I enjoyed the book more than Angus. Dan started reading a tractor book and that seemed to peak his interest. Then, I found a book called Geronimo Stilton and the greatest adventure. Angus loved it because there are lots of pictures, and lots of funny comments throughout the book. We have two more chapters to finish, but I think we will finish this one.

Hopefully Angus will start being more interested in reading to us soon, he reads quite well, but he prefers to be read too, which really is what he is used to.

Reading to Angus has peaked my interest in reading again, and I have read some fantastic books over the past few years. My most recent book is the Dovekeepers. It is interesting in a historical genre, but the way it is written you get to know the characters as well. 

So I hope that everyone takes some time to read to themselves or somebody else. Reading is awesome and helps your vocabulary, your spelling and keeps your mind sharp.

Find a great book and enjoy!

Raising Angus ~ compromise

There are times in outlives when we will want something and we will not be able to have, do or get what we want. Irealize this happens all the time. My question is, how do we teach that to our children without them “losing it” or having a temper tantrum. The reality for me is that in the beginning, you cannot avoid it. Trying to explain to Angus that we need to leave, so he needs to stop playing now, but we can come back to it, doesn’t make it past the ” time to stop, we need to go”. We always give warnings (I learned that from my sister), simply by doing a count down you are letting  the child know that very soon s/he will have to stop what they are doing.

I have been at the park where parents of other children just suddenly say, it’s time to go, only to be met with tears, stomping and NO! Don’t get me wrong, Angus still objects when he is not-ready to leave, but after almost 6 years of training, I have learned to hold my ground and not give any extra time, because that leads to future pleading and whining.

Even me learning to compromise  with Angus has been tough. There is a certain video game that Angus loves to play, but I think it is inappropriate . So my compromise was he can play that game when I  amnot around. Really because I know my husband will let him anyway. Sometimes we have to compromise with what constitutes breakfast. I am a traditionalist, and believe that cereal, toast, pancakes, etc are good breakfast items. Angus likes cheese and crackers. I was fixated on what he was eating that I forgot that he was eating and it was relatively healthy. So now we compromise on what he eats by almost anything goes.

Compromise is a hard thing to learn, especially if you are as stubborn as I am! But I will master it someday, I hope.

Raising Angus ~ Mother’s Day

So, we all know that Mother’s day is just over a week away, and as a kid I always thought that Mother’s day was pretty awesome. Not only is it a Sunday (and most mothers do not work on Saunday’s) but it is a day where you get to spoil your Mom, forget any dissagreements and realize how much your Mother does (or used to do) for you.

Another thing that was exciting was that I always hoped that I would get to be the recipient of Mother’s day spoiling. For a long time I thought that might not happen. Then the miracle of Angus happened and I was a Mom. What a feeling, how wonderful it was to finally be a part of the club of motherhood. Now don’t get me wrong, being a mother is not easy, but the rewards you get from it are infinite. The first time your child smiles at you, the first time they say mama or dada, the first roll over, crawl, pull up, walk, feeding themselves, getting them out of diapers, the first time they say I love you, the list goes on and on. Becoming a mother has given me even greater respect for my own mother. I am very fortunate to still have my mother with me, and to also have a great relationship with her. I know too many people who have lost their mothers and my heart grieves  for them. I do not know what I would do without my Mum. She is the world to me and to Angus.

I am also very fortunate to have a wonderful mother in law. Not many people can say that. In fact all my in-laws are great.

Recently, on Facebook there has been a wonderful poem about a mother asking her daughter to be patient with her while  she ages, to listen to all the repetitive stories, and to help her when she needs it, and to remember all the things that she has listened to through the years , and the times she took your hand and helped you. I will remember that poem, or the jist of it anyway, as I watch both my parents grow older. It is a hard transition through life but with caring.And kindness we can help make that time easier for our mothers. Don’t hold back, always tell her you love her and try not to take her for granted.

This year I will continue to bask in the glow of the amazing little man that Angus is, and I will enjoy mostly every moment. So Happy Mother’s Day to all Mothers, their daughters who are mothers and their Granddaughters who are yet to become Mothers.

Raising Angus ~ Angusisms

It certainly been a long time since I wrote anything. I have no excuse.

So let’s start with some interesting things about Angus. So he has his own version of things. My favourite is ski-ba-doer. A snow mobile. Side road walk, sidewalk, constructioners are all construction workers.

He has had some really funny observations, like he asked if he was going to lose all of his hair like Dan had. Oh, another funny thing was Angus got hit in the groin, he was laying on the floor and said “oh, my hoach” meaning his groin, then he asked if it would hurt like this all the time. Dan explained that anytime you hit your hoach, it will hurt like that.

Angus is also very observant, he recently noticed that his “y” fronts had a penis pocket. He told Dan hey Daddy look there is a pocket in my underwear so I can get to my penis to fix it, do you have one too?

Angus recently lost one of his front teeth, so he has this gap now, and he said to Dan, hey Daddy we are gap twins! You have a missing tooth and so do you! So we took pictures while they said gap twins.

Things around here are never boring, Angus keeps us on our toes, and sometimes I cannot punish him because I am laughing so hard at what he just said. He also does that thing where you move your hand up and down in front of your face, and when your hand is up you are smiling, and when it is down, you are frowning. Except that his hand is so small that he doeshot block the transition, and he makes a noise like umuh, omuhwhile his hand is going up and down. We both laugh so hard that he cannot do the frown, so now he just makes the noise and we start laughing. God I love that kid!

So, I guess that is all I have to share tonight, have a good one, enjoy your spring weekend,  get out and enjoy the sunshine!

Raising Angus ~ Fun Times.

Wow, it really has been a while. I really have no excuse, just did not feel like it. I find it strange that there are times in life where you are so busy that even the simplistic tasks seem daunting. I was supposed to go see my therapist for a follow up in October, it is now practically April and I have yet to book anything.

Then there are times when there is not much to do at all, I am hoping that the quieter times are coming soon.

I wanted tonight to share some interesting things that Angus has said recently, like one night I was reading him stories at bed time, and he asked me if you need a ladder to get to heaven. I always try to answer his questions honestly, because it is easier to tell first time, because making things up can get you in trouble down the road. So I explained that when someone dies they leave their body behind and their spirit floats up to heaven? Angus could not understand this, so I tried to explain it more and he kept asking more questions. So I finally explained that people become ghosts when they die, and he finally got that.

Another night, I had to give Angus a warning and I asked him if he understood. He said that he did and I said ok.Then he said Daddy always asks me what do I understand, how come you don’t? So I answered that Daddy just wants to make sure you do understand, where I figure if you don’t understand then you should say so.

We were out and Dan pointed out a restaurant and said that we should go there some time alone because it is supposed to be good. angus then said, I don’t want to just be dropped off somewhere, why can’t I come? I kind of laughed and let Dan answer that one!

Angus said that he wants to live with us forever, so when he gets older, he is going to get married and to buy a house and we are going to move in. Dan asked him what if your wife does not want us to live with her? Angus’ response was “if she does not like it she can live somewhere else” we both laughed really hard at that one, and I am totally reminding  him of this on his wedding day!

Good night everyone!

Raising Angus ~ Five for Friday Challenge

1) have you ever been called for jury duty? We’re you picked?
No, I have not, but now that I have said that, I will probably get a letter soon.
2) Would you try to get out of it? Or would you serve and why?
I would serve, because without citizens chosen at random, you cannot have a representation of the population. I have to have faith in the justice system.
3) is there Any kind of trial that you don’t think you could serve on a jury for?
Yes, anything to do with harm coming to children. I could not emotionally be a part of that.
4) Have you ever been in court for any other purpose?
Yes, for law class in high school, we went to the TO courthouse and observed a part of a trial.
5) Are you ready for the time change this weekend?
Yes! It is just one step closer to spring!

Raising Angus ~ Crazy Times

So, my life has been pretty hectic lately.Work has taken a precidence for the first time ever. You see I work at the Laurelwood Veterinary Hospital, and since June (?) 2011, there has been a lot of commotion at 515 Benjamin Road. A new and amazing Veterinary Hospital has risen from the ground. It is a spectacular building that many people,including myself, would be happy to live in.

There is geothermal heating and cooling, there are windows everywhere, and many of them open! I cannot even begin to describe what that feels like after being in a strip mall with literally 3 windows and one front door with windows. I am excited for spring, when we can open the windows and get some fresh air into the place.

Many of our clients have been asking if we plan to add any new staff, well, we have. Her name is Jen and she is our boarding manager. Dr. Carey, Dr. Rideout and Dr. Knight are still working their regular hours. Stephanie, Tori and myself are still the R. V. T’s, and we have Angela and Christine both grooming.

I know that neither Angus or Dan appreciate the new clinic like I do. They just appreciate that the construction is done and I am back at home on Thursdays and Fridays. I have to admit that after spending all that extra time working on the new clinic, I am also glad to have my regular hours back.

So, if anyone is curious feel free to come by and check us out!

Raising Angus~Snowboarding?

Well, here I sit in the chalet of Chicopee , waiting for Dan and Angus to come in from snowboarding. Wow.

When Angus was born, I looked at my beautiful little baby and swore I would not let him do anything that could hurt him. Apparently that was long enough ago, that I realize I basically have no control. It started at 18 months of age when  I turned my back for 10 seconds and found Angus standing on top of his high chair tray, which was on top of the kitchen table! First heart attack of many.

When he started riding around on his belly on a skateboard, I knew that was the end for sure. Next came the scooter, a three wheeled one of course, However he has been asking for one with a motor, yikes! 

I guess I should have known that snowboarding was next, but my heart lurched when Dan told me he was taking him to Chicopee to snowboard. I did not go the first time, but since then I have been here twice and I am stunned that he is as good as he is. I mean he is only 5 and he can get. Down the bunny hill alone. The only lessons he has ever had we’re from Dan. It still scares me, but I have to admit there is a certain amount of joy watching him ride down the hill and do turns and hops! It is a beautiful thing, but when he is big enough for the jump-park, I may feel differently .