Raising Angus ~ Five for Friday Challenge

1) have you ever been called for jury duty? We’re you picked?
No, I have not, but now that I have said that, I will probably get a letter soon.
2) Would you try to get out of it? Or would you serve and why?
I would serve, because without citizens chosen at random, you cannot have a representation of the population. I have to have faith in the justice system.
3) is there Any kind of trial that you don’t think you could serve on a jury for?
Yes, anything to do with harm coming to children. I could not emotionally be a part of that.
4) Have you ever been in court for any other purpose?
Yes, for law class in high school, we went to the TO courthouse and observed a part of a trial.
5) Are you ready for the time change this weekend?
Yes! It is just one step closer to spring!

Raising Angus ~ I’ve been tagged!

out little things about your fellow bloggers, so I am going to participate

Here are the rules…

#1 – Post these rules.

#2 – Answer the 11 questions from the person who tagged you.

#3 – Create 11 new questions for the people you tag.

#4 – Tag 11 people and link them to your post.
#5 – Let them know that you tagged them
1. If you could have 3 people over for a dinner party, who would they be (and a short why)?
The first 2 people I would invite are my Dad’s parents. I never met my Grandmother, and my Grandfather died when I was about 2 years old. The third person would be my maternal Grandfather, I never met him, because he and my Grandmother divorced when my mother was a little girl.
2. Who is your favourite author and why?
My favorite author right now is Phillipa Greggory. I am currently reading the Red Queen. I love historical fiction.
For summer reading I enjoy Jodi Picoult, easy reads and interesting stories.
3. What activities/clubs did you join in High School and what was your favourite
I did not belong to any clubs in Highschool, it was not my thing. In college I was on the yearbook committee, and since I took most of the photos in it, I guess makes it my favourite.
4. Is there a movie that you can watch over and over again and never get sick of it?  Why?
There are a few. Mostly old movies like Singing in the Rain, White Christmas, Holiday Inn. Pretty much any musical from the 40’s and 50’s. I LOVE musicals, which is probably why I love Glee.
5.  Do you have any hobbies?  Tell us about them.
I have too many hobbies! I love Photography and take LOTS of pictures, I also enjoy reading, I can never have enough to read and getting lost in a book is a great way to relax. I sew a little, my Mom is really talented and I started sewing in my early 20’s when I make my first full-sized quilt. Since then I have made several baby quilts for friends and family. I also scrapbook, mostly for Angus. I did one book for our wedding and liked how it turned out, sadly I have only finished one book for Angus. One day I will make time and do more!
6.  Is there someone from your past that you have lost touch with but would like to have them back in your life…who is it and why?
Yes, Carolyn Poppe. We were friends in Highschool and while we were at Uni, then she disappeared of the face of the earth. She is not even on facebook. I would love to know if she finished her psych degree, and where she is now.
7.  Tell us about your guilty pleasure
I eat way too much chocolate, but I just can’t stop myself. Having a cup of tea, watching a girly movie and eating peanut M & M’s.
8.  Do you watch tv?  What are your 3 favourite shows (and if you don’t watch tv, tells us why you don’t)
Yes, I watch TV. Too much really. Coronation Street is the one I have watched for the longest time, since I was a teenager. I love how real the characters are, and if someone is having money trouble they have no money, not just lost 10 million of their 8 Billion dollar value.
I watch Glee, and I still love it. The other stuff I watch is on HGTV, love house remodels.
9.  What did you want to be when you grew up? 
I had no idea, and it wasn’t until I was 26 that I realized being a Veterinary Technician was the career for me.
10. Why did you start blogging?
I enjoy writing, and this way I don’t have to try and write a whole book, I can share my thoughts with whomever wants to read them. It is a great outlet for dealing with what is going on in your life.
11. Who do you most admire in your life? Tell us something about that person.
I admire my Mom. She came to Canada with my Dad, they knew no one, left their families behind, and started a new life with more opportunities. She has been a stay at home Mom to the three of us, took care of us and the house while my Dad was travelling for work. She can fix a toilet, paint a room, do laundry, sew a dress, make dinner from scratch, and clean the house in one day! She is amazing, although she does not think so. One day I hope she realizes how spectacular she is.
So that was really fun! Thanks Tales of a Blended Family!
So here are my questions:
1) Do you have children? If so how many? If not why not (fertility, don’t want any, not married, etc)
2) Do you believe in God? Do you go to church?
3) What famous historical person would you bring back from the dead, and what 3 questions would you ask them?
4) Are you a bake from scratch person, or do you rely heavily on Betty Crocker?
5) What is your favourite sport to watch, and who is your favourite team?
6) Do you have pets? If so how many and what are they?
7) What is the funniest movie you have ever seen?
8) Do you use or believe in alternative medicine? Why/why not?
9) Which holiday (in your religion) is most important to you and why?
10) If you could go back to school what would you take and why?
11) If someone gave you a blank cheque, and told you to write whatever number you wanted, how much would you write it for and what would you use the money for?
So, now I have to figure out how to tag this!